good start to the year in all.
After a brief pause meditative Yoga & the back with its proposals related to the world of yoga, of symbol and myth through fruitful collaborations that will have the pleasure to unveil along the way ...
We want to tell you first of our participation in the annual Open Doors Yoga , the demonstration by YANI (National Association of Yoga Teachers) now in in its eleventh year. It 's a totally free event, which aims to provide an understanding of this discipline to ensure the quality of the approach of knowledge by the persons concerned, and not characterized as "selling a product" . In 2011, the event will take place during the weekend of 29-30 January in Italy and like the previous will aim to disseminate correct information on the practice of yoga and offer free opportunities to experience it directly under the guidance of qualified teachers. The event is sponsored by the City and Province of Genoa.
We will attend the following events:
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The origin of the trip
symbols of the human body in search delle nostre radici
teoria e pratica Yoga
condotto da
Simona Mocci e Patrizia Sannino
h 10.00/12.30
Accademia Italiana Shatsu do
Vico Casana 9/4
L'evento è gratuito ma i posti sono limitati per cui vi preghiamo vivamente di segnalare la vostra presenza ai seguenti recapiti: 349 5233419 - 348 0864600 yogaethe(at)
L'incessante accordo con il cielo.
Il body, the sound of deep listening.
experiential encounter-sound audio
conducted by
Franco Mignone
operator in Craniosacral Biodynamics
Franco Mignone the evening - some of you might already know the occasion of "The Man between heaven and earth" - with its practice of "deep listening" will lead to further exploration: Vibration.
Vico Casana 9 / 4
The event is free but places are limited so please indicate your presence strongly to address: 348 2753790
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Cotone second floor - Old Port
The event is free but places are limited so please strongly signal your presence at the numbers: 349 5233419 or 348 0864600 yogaethe (at)
The origin of the trip
symbols of the human body in search delle nostre radici
teoria e pratica Yoga
condotto da
Simona Mocci e Patrizia Sannino
h 10.00/12.30
Accademia Italiana Shatsu do
Vico Casana 9/4
L'evento è gratuito ma i posti sono limitati per cui vi preghiamo vivamente di segnalare la vostra presenza ai seguenti recapiti: 349 5233419 - 348 0864600 yogaethe(at)
L'incessante accordo con il cielo.
Il body, the sound of deep listening.
experiential encounter-sound audio
conducted by
Franco Mignone
operator in Craniosacral Biodynamics
Franco Mignone the evening - some of you might already know the occasion of "The Man between heaven and earth" - with its practice of "deep listening" will lead to further exploration: Vibration.
"The Deep Listening is an act, to prepare ourselves to listen to every sound and vibration that is, ignoring the aesthetic judgments forgetting the mind, allowing the sound to expand into space in and around us as a breath. E 'perceptual experience in a meditative state, a state of deep relaxation and why not, a trip to' abandon, nell'arrendersi. an experience very similar to yoga. "
h 20.30
Vico Casana 9 / 4
The event is free but places are limited so please indicate your presence strongly to address: 348 2753790
Sunday, January 30, 2011
"The flower garden of CG Jung
between East and West
conference organized by the
Dr. Lucia Barbarini, specialist in Jungian studies
Patrizia Simone Sanna and Mocci
Yoga teachers
10:30 am
the Biblioteca De Amicis
Cotone second floor - Old Port
The event is free but places are limited so please strongly signal your presence at the numbers: 349 5233419 or 348 0864600 yogaethe (at)
The list of other initiatives can be found at:
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