Natural Remedies against the swelling of the stomach and the bloating Circa una persona su sei soffre di gonfiore della pancia dovuto all'eccessivo accumulo nell' intestino e nello stomaco di gas come azoto, metano ed anidride carbonica provenienti dalla fermentazione food. Natural remedies are many and varied and also allow you to fight, besides the swelling of the stomach, the sense of fullness, cramping and pain that may occur.
Natural Remedies against the swelling of the stomach:
seeds of anise (Pimpinella anisum MG 1 DH). The seeds of this plant are useful for improving food digestion and to counteract the formation of gas and bacteria: it takes 10 drops in a little water twice daily, after meals. Alternatively, the beneficial properties of fig (Ficus Carica) a natural remedy that has a strong regulatory action of secretion and motility of the digestive tract in general: 15 drops in a little water, 2 times a day. Finally, especially where there is pain, you can use the properties of mint : an herbal tea to drink after a meal.
remedies for flatulence and intestinal bloating:
in this case is just the ginger (Zingiber officinale). Due to the contents of gingerol, ginger tones the muscle wall and active movements of the intestine: before meals, eat a little 'fresh root, cut into slices and seasoned with salt a few drops of lemon juice. Yes, then the seeds Plant fennel : it requires 10 drops twice daily or one teaspoon of seeds in a cup of boiling water after meals.
To combat stress, which causes pain in the stomach and intestines, may be used to ' Angelica (Angelica archanhelica MG 1 DH), a plant medicine from the root-rich volatile oils and active ingredients that help digestion, but also a particularly effective remedy for gastrointestinal disorders that have an underlying component nervosa: 10 drops in a little water twice a day between meals. Yes, finally, the properties of Melissa (Mellissa officinalis), has an herb especially useful se la cattiva digestione e il gonfiore hanno un' origine psicosomatica, e che si può associare ai semi di anice o finocchio per una tisana rilassante contro il gonfiore da bere prima di andare a dormire.
Altri consigli utili per eliminare il gonfiore della pancia:
-consumare pasti in un ambiente sereno e masticare bene ogni boccone
-dieta sana ed equilibrata e pasti regolari
-preferire verdure appena scottate o saltate in padella con un pizzico di sale. Evitare i legumi e verdure come rape, porri e cavoli
-ridurre il consumo di zuccheri e di carboidrati lievitati come pane e focacce
-niente bibite carbonated and alcoholic beverages to ensure
-lactic acid content of yogurt and probiotic and prebiotic foods
-dinner walk after lunch and 15 minutes
-care area you deglutsce hastily eating well, chewing gum or smoking.