We are in the world of the Great Mother also called Vedic Devamatri (mother of the gods).
Its name comes from word Sanskrit "Diti" meaning limited. The "a" deprivation of Sanskrit language means that the term "Aditya" means one who is boundless, limitless.
Many authors speak of her as an abstract principle of creation, a kind of primordial chaos. Will the gods, which she created to bring order and determination of the basic elements of nature.
In the Rig-Veda speaks of her as "that which has been and what still needs to be" the one in which the gods are content. Also in the RV it is called the cow-milk for the light that Soma (nectar of the gods). From this passage suggests the ancient origin of the veneration of the cow as a sacred animal.
This position is called Aditya sound in the school of Yoga Ratna Gabriella Cella Al-Chamali , where it is On an interesting symbolic reading of the same opinion of the cosmic elements that make up this wonderful game called "life."
- Sitting on the ground, combined soles and heels are removed from the trunk for what is the size of your bust. The legs form a square, a symbol of the Earth, the element of female nature that gives life as this mythical mother of the universe.
- If possible, interlace your toes and take her with those hands (which are also interlaced).
- Inhale and stretch your chest and exhale slowly bringing his forehead resting on his heels and elbows and forearms on the ground, over the legs.
- Keep the form with deep breathing regularly.
Concentration (Dharana): is aimed at the pelvis and perineum, where the air will feel the breath expanding.
Breathing: diaphragm, imagining breathing through the pelvis.
Benefits: massages and tones the genetic apparatus, urinary system, increases the flexibility of the pelvis and, in general, the person also psychologically. From the point of view there is a subtle stimulation of the Muladhara Chakra, the c within the Earth and the activation of Svadhisthana, that of water.
contraindications ni: if performed during the menstrual cycle, increasing the flow.

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