Il 14 è il giorno dell'Esaltazione della Croce. La croce, segno del più terribile dei supplizi, è per il cristiano l’albero della vita, il talamo, il trono, l’altare della nuova alleanza. Dal Cristo, nuovo Adamo addormentato sulla croce, è scaturito il mirabile sacramento di tutta la Chiesa. La croce è il segno della signoria di Cristo su coloro che nel Battesimo sono configurati a lui nella morte and glory. In the tradition of the Fathers of the cross is the sign of the Son of Man will appear at the end of time.
The feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, which is in the East compared to that of Easter, is connected with the dedication of the Constantinian basilica built on Golgotha \u200b\u200band the tomb of Christ.
The glorification of Christ through the torture of the cross-glorification becomes antithesis suffering in the history of redemption: Christ, embodied in its human-divine reality, we voluntarily submit to the humiliating condition of a slave (the cross, from the Latin " crux ", that torture was reserved for slaves) el'infamante supplizio viene tramutato in gloria imperitura.
Così la croce diventa il simbolo e il compendio della religione cristiana.
A Lucca, si svolge "la luminara", una suggestiva processione con il Crocefisso nero, detto "il Volto Santo", al centro di una viva devozione iniziata nel 782. Anticamente, la partecipazione alla festa era obbligatoria e l'assenza era considerata grave atto di insubordinazione. Ne erano esentati solo gli infermi, che tuttavia dovevano mandare almeno un cero. La sacra e suggestiva immagine costituiva pegno di giuramento per Re Gustavo d'Inghilterra (1056-1110) ed è stata portata in tutto l'Est europeo, in Cina, in Messico, dove fu chiamata "Santo Rostro de Luca".
Il 16 Settembre we celebrate the International Day for the Preservation of the ozone layer, established by the UN.
E 'the anniversary of the massacre of Sabra and Shatila: between 16 and 18 September 1982 thousands of Palestinians were massacred by Lebanese Christian militias.
Pitris Paksha in the month of Asvin Hindus celebrate a popular ritual in honor of ancestors: it is a practice that has a long tradition and is celebrated in honor of deceased ancestors to keep the bond between the living and the dead. The 17 resorts
Lailat Al Qadr, the Night of Destiny, in the Muslim world. In a cave near Mecca, the Prophet makes every year in the month of Ramadan, a spiritual retreat. At forty, during the withdrawal in the blessed month, Maimetto received from the angel Gabriel, the Quran, the descent of Revelation.
is celebrated on 18 S. Joseph of Cupertino. From 1630 began to experience the miraculous cases of levitation and other phenomena that attracted the attention of the Inquisition, was condemned to isolation.
for its ability to get up in the air is considered the patron saint of aviators and astronauts, but also students and those facing an exam. The 19 is
S. Gennaro was born in Naples in the late third century. He became bishop of Benevento, and was surprised by his work of preaching the gospel, for the benefit of the persecuted Christians.
Gennaro fu prima condannato ad essere bruciato in una fornace, da cui uscì illeso. Gli vennero recisi i tendini e fu ributtato in carcere. Gennaro e i suoi compagni vennero condannati ad essere mangiati dalle belve, ma queste non li toccarono. Furono allora condannati al taglio della testa: la leggenda narra che alcuni fedeli raccolsero il sangue e la testa del santo, conservandoli. Nella cattedrale di Napoli, dove le reliquie sono conservate. ogni anno si rinnova il miracolo della liquefazione del sangue di San Gennaro.
Viene invocato a protezione dalle eruzioni del Vesuvio.
Per gli Ebrei è Rosh haShana, il capodanno, che i rabbini chiamano il “Giorno del giudizio” oppure il “Giorno del ricordo”.
Per gli Indù è Navaratri, the beginning of the night novena in honor of the Goddess Durga, which purifies the ten sins.
September 20 is the end of Ramadan.
September 21 we celebrate the International Day of Peace, established by the UN
E 'is also World Alzheimer's Day, sponsored by the World Health Organization.
September 21, 2008 the municipality of Rome pays tribute during the commemoration of the Breccia 139esima
Porta Pia on 21 points ri S. Matthew, one of the 12 apostles and one of the four Evangelists. His name was Levi the tax collector and was, assigned to duty on behalf of King Herod. This craft was hated by the Jews. Jesus in the criticism of all, he accepted an invitation. Then Jesus himself invited him to follow him and ordered him to be leaving their jobs and even new names (Matithyah in Hebrew means "gift of God").
Legend has it that Matthew, who went to the court of the king of Ethiopia, bringing to life the king's daughter, apparently dead, so the king and all his people were converted, but his successor, and rejected by the girl you love was devoted to chastity, and he did harass Matt had him killed by soldiers. And 'the patron saint of banks, stockbrokers, accountants, customs officials, financiers, accountants.
For the Orthodox, this is the day of birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.