Monday, September 28, 2009

What Is The Best Paraglider

Today ...

Uno stormo di aironi bianchi in procinto di spiccare il volo è stata l'immagine che questa mattina mi ha accompagnata lungo la strada...Quanti doni ci vengono fatti ogni giorno...doni come questo che, con così tanta semplicità, è in grado di farti sorridere incantata da tanta bellezza...

I miei occhi sono in grado di vedere, io sono in grado di sentire...e ne sono grata. Ed è il dono più bello che mi sia stato fatto........quello di percezione.....l'emozione.

E questa emozione mi riporta ad un momento lived a few days ago, me back and makes me think of what I lived and shared with such ease, without fear of being what they are, without fear of having to show other than what they are ... without the fear to show my discomfort also ...

Realizing he had reached that place without any expectations but ready to welcome every feeling, moment, moment ... word.

These last two days have left me a lot, people I met, people close to me have given me more than, perhaps, be able even to imagine why a hug there may be more tenderness, love, joy, than there is in any other gesture.

This awareness has come after my morning meditation .... After being with me with joy and peace. I relived every moment and every moment of the day just passed. And I understand .....
why I decided to include a song that belongs to me, a "my song ".... Listen to it and maybe understand ... Maybe you will understand the uniqueness that is contained in each of us ...

... savor every moment, whatever it is ...
Because, although sometimes it can be incomprehensible, brings with it a gift, always ..... Good Life!

What Is The Best Paraglider

Today ...

Uno stormo di aironi bianchi in procinto di spiccare il volo è stata l'immagine che questa mattina mi ha accompagnata lungo la strada...Quanti doni ci vengono fatti ogni giorno...doni come questo che, con così tanta semplicità, è in grado di farti sorridere incantata da tanta bellezza...

I miei occhi sono in grado di vedere, io sono in grado di sentire...e ne sono grata. Ed è il dono più bello che mi sia stato fatto........quello di percezione.....l'emozione.

E questa emozione mi riporta ad un momento lived a few days ago, me back and makes me think of what I lived and shared with such ease, without fear of being what they are, without fear of having to show other than what they are ... without the fear to show my discomfort also ...

Realizing he had reached that place without any expectations but ready to welcome every feeling, moment, moment ... word.

These last two days have left me a lot, people I met, people close to me have given me more than, perhaps, be able even to imagine why a hug there may be more tenderness, love, joy, than there is in any other gesture.

This awareness has come after my morning meditation .... After being with me with joy and peace. I relived every moment and every moment of the day just passed. And I understand .....
why I decided to include a song that belongs to me, a "my song ".... Listen to it and maybe understand ... Maybe you will understand the uniqueness that is contained in each of us ...

... savor every moment, whatever it is ...
Because, although sometimes it can be incomprehensible, brings with it a gift, always ..... Good Life!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Switching Oral Contraceptives

Beautiful is not it?

Life is short ...
Break the rules, Forgive quickly
bacia lentamente,
ama veramente,
ridi senza controllo,
e non smettere mai di sorridere, anche per un motivo strano.

E ricordati che non c’è piacere senza rischio.

La vita può non essere la festa che speravamo, 
ma una volta che siamo qui, dobbiamo festeggiare! 

Switching Oral Contraceptives

Beautiful is not it?

Life is short ...
Break the rules, Forgive quickly
bacia lentamente,
ama veramente,
ridi senza controllo,
e non smettere mai di sorridere, anche per un motivo strano.

E ricordati che non c’è piacere senza rischio.

La vita può non essere la festa che speravamo, 
ma una volta che siamo qui, dobbiamo festeggiare! 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Condo Water Damage Who Pays


This month, Simon took part with a contribution to the delightful book of Yoga Journal entitled "The shelf of ..."
to view:
- CLICK ON THE TITLE OF THIS POST (see "The shelf ...")
- Browse the virtual magazine to Page 22
These days some leaden bibliography and its useful! A hug

Condo Water Damage Who Pays


This month, Simon took part with a contribution to the delightful book of Yoga Journal entitled "The shelf of ..."
to view:
- CLICK ON THE TITLE OF THIS POST (see "The shelf ...")
- Browse the virtual magazine to Page 22
These days some leaden bibliography and its useful! A hug

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tourquoise Laser Dinghy

remember: Ben Harper, two thousand and six

Ben Harper - Diamonds On The Inside

What started as a whisper
Slowly turned into a scream
Searching for an answer
Where the question is unseen
I don't know where you came from
And I don't know where you've gone
Old friends become old strangers
Between the darkness and the dawn

Amen Omen
Will I see your face again
Amen Omen
Can I find the place within
To live my life without you
I still hear you saying
All of life is a chance
And is sweetest
When at a glance
But I live a hundred
Lifetimes in a day
But I die a little
In every breath that I take

Amen Omen
Will I see your face again
Amen Omen
Can I find the place within
To live my life without you
I listen to a whisper
Slowly drift away
Silence is the loudest
Parting word you never say
I put your world
Into my veins
Now a voiceless sympathy
Is all that remains

Amen Omen
Will I see your face again
Amen Omen
Can I find the place within
To live my life without you

Tourquoise Laser Dinghy

remember: Ben Harper, two thousand and six

Ben Harper - Diamonds On The Inside

What started as a whisper
Slowly turned into a scream
Searching for an answer
Where the question is unseen
I don't know where you came from
And I don't know where you've gone
Old friends become old strangers
Between the darkness and the dawn

Amen Omen
Will I see your face again
Amen Omen
Can I find the place within
To live my life without you
I still hear you saying
All of life is a chance
And is sweetest
When at a glance
But I live a hundred
Lifetimes in a day
But I die a little
In every breath that I take

Amen Omen
Will I see your face again
Amen Omen
Can I find the place within
To live my life without you
I listen to a whisper
Slowly drift away
Silence is the loudest
Parting word you never say
I put your world
Into my veins
Now a voiceless sympathy
Is all that remains

Amen Omen
Will I see your face again
Amen Omen
Can I find the place within
To live my life without you

Roller Coaster Tycoon Japan Language

September ... Eleven minutes

Il 14 è il giorno dell'Esaltazione della Croce. La croce, segno del più terribile dei supplizi, è per il cristiano l’albero della vita, il talamo, il trono, l’altare della nuova alleanza. Dal Cristo, nuovo Adamo addormentato sulla croce, è scaturito il mirabile sacramento di tutta la Chiesa. La croce è il segno della signoria di Cristo su coloro che nel Battesimo sono configurati a lui nella morte and glory. In the tradition of the Fathers of the cross is the sign of the Son of Man will appear at the end of time.

The feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, which is in the East compared to that of Easter, is connected with the dedication of the Constantinian basilica built on Golgotha \u200b\u200band the tomb of Christ.
The glorification of Christ through the torture of the cross-glorification becomes antithesis suffering in the history of redemption: Christ, embodied in its human-divine reality, we voluntarily submit to the humiliating condition of a slave (the cross, from the Latin " crux ", that torture was reserved for slaves) el'infamante supplizio viene tramutato in gloria imperitura.
Così la croce diventa il simbolo e il compendio della religione cristiana.

A Lucca, si svolge "la luminara", una suggestiva processione con il Crocefisso nero, detto "il Volto Santo", al centro di una viva devozione iniziata nel 782. Anticamente, la partecipazione alla festa era obbligatoria e l'assenza era considerata grave atto di insubordinazione. Ne erano esentati solo gli infermi, che tuttavia dovevano mandare almeno un cero. La sacra e suggestiva immagine costituiva pegno di giuramento per Re Gustavo d'Inghilterra (1056-1110) ed è stata portata in tutto l'Est europeo, in Cina, in Messico, dove fu chiamata "Santo Rostro de Luca".

Il 16 Settembre we celebrate the International Day for the Preservation of the ozone layer, established by the UN.
E 'the anniversary of the massacre of Sabra and Shatila: between 16 and 18 September 1982 thousands of Palestinians were massacred by Lebanese Christian militias.
Pitris Paksha in the month of Asvin Hindus celebrate a popular ritual in honor of ancestors: it is a practice that has a long tradition and is celebrated in honor of deceased ancestors to keep the bond between the living and the dead. The 17 resorts

Lailat Al Qadr, the Night of Destiny, in the Muslim world. In a cave near Mecca, the Prophet makes every year in the month of Ramadan, a spiritual retreat. At forty, during the withdrawal in the blessed month, Maimetto received from the angel Gabriel, the Quran, the descent of Revelation.

is celebrated on 18 S. Joseph of Cupertino. From 1630 began to experience the miraculous cases of levitation and other phenomena that attracted the attention of the Inquisition, was condemned to isolation.
for its ability to get up in the air is considered the patron saint of aviators and astronauts, but also students and those facing an exam. The 19 is

S. Gennaro was born in Naples in the late third century. He became bishop of Benevento, and was surprised by his work of preaching the gospel, for the benefit of the persecuted Christians.
Gennaro fu prima condannato ad essere bruciato in una fornace, da cui uscì illeso. Gli vennero recisi i tendini e fu ributtato in carcere. Gennaro e i suoi compagni vennero condannati ad essere mangiati dalle belve, ma queste non li toccarono. Furono allora condannati al taglio della testa: la leggenda narra che alcuni fedeli raccolsero il sangue e la testa del santo, conservandoli. Nella cattedrale di Napoli, dove le reliquie sono conservate. ogni anno si rinnova il miracolo della liquefazione del sangue di San Gennaro.
Viene invocato a protezione dalle eruzioni del Vesuvio.
Per gli Ebrei è Rosh haShana, il capodanno, che i rabbini chiamano il “Giorno del giudizio” oppure il “Giorno del ricordo”.
Per gli Indù è Navaratri, the beginning of the night novena in honor of the Goddess Durga, which purifies the ten sins.

September 20 is the end of Ramadan.

September 21 we celebrate the International Day of Peace, established by the UN
E 'is also World Alzheimer's Day, sponsored by the World Health Organization.
September 21, 2008 the municipality of Rome pays tribute during the commemoration of the Breccia 139esima

Porta Pia on 21 points ri S. Matthew, one of the 12 apostles and one of the four Evangelists. His name was Levi the tax collector and was, assigned to duty on behalf of King Herod. This craft was hated by the Jews. Jesus in the criticism of all, he accepted an invitation. Then Jesus himself invited him to follow him and ordered him to be leaving their jobs and even new names (Matithyah in Hebrew means "gift of God").
Legend has it that Matthew, who went to the court of the king of Ethiopia, bringing to life the king's daughter, apparently dead, so the king and all his people were converted, but his successor, and rejected by the girl you love was devoted to chastity, and he did harass Matt had him killed by soldiers. And 'the patron saint of banks, stockbrokers, accountants, customs officials, financiers, accountants.
For the Orthodox, this is the day of birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Roller Coaster Tycoon Japan Language

September ... Eleven minutes

Il 14 è il giorno dell'Esaltazione della Croce. La croce, segno del più terribile dei supplizi, è per il cristiano l’albero della vita, il talamo, il trono, l’altare della nuova alleanza. Dal Cristo, nuovo Adamo addormentato sulla croce, è scaturito il mirabile sacramento di tutta la Chiesa. La croce è il segno della signoria di Cristo su coloro che nel Battesimo sono configurati a lui nella morte and glory. In the tradition of the Fathers of the cross is the sign of the Son of Man will appear at the end of time.

The feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, which is in the East compared to that of Easter, is connected with the dedication of the Constantinian basilica built on Golgotha \u200b\u200band the tomb of Christ.
The glorification of Christ through the torture of the cross-glorification becomes antithesis suffering in the history of redemption: Christ, embodied in its human-divine reality, we voluntarily submit to the humiliating condition of a slave (the cross, from the Latin " crux ", that torture was reserved for slaves) el'infamante supplizio viene tramutato in gloria imperitura.
Così la croce diventa il simbolo e il compendio della religione cristiana.

A Lucca, si svolge "la luminara", una suggestiva processione con il Crocefisso nero, detto "il Volto Santo", al centro di una viva devozione iniziata nel 782. Anticamente, la partecipazione alla festa era obbligatoria e l'assenza era considerata grave atto di insubordinazione. Ne erano esentati solo gli infermi, che tuttavia dovevano mandare almeno un cero. La sacra e suggestiva immagine costituiva pegno di giuramento per Re Gustavo d'Inghilterra (1056-1110) ed è stata portata in tutto l'Est europeo, in Cina, in Messico, dove fu chiamata "Santo Rostro de Luca".

Il 16 Settembre we celebrate the International Day for the Preservation of the ozone layer, established by the UN.
E 'the anniversary of the massacre of Sabra and Shatila: between 16 and 18 September 1982 thousands of Palestinians were massacred by Lebanese Christian militias.
Pitris Paksha in the month of Asvin Hindus celebrate a popular ritual in honor of ancestors: it is a practice that has a long tradition and is celebrated in honor of deceased ancestors to keep the bond between the living and the dead. The 17 resorts

Lailat Al Qadr, the Night of Destiny, in the Muslim world. In a cave near Mecca, the Prophet makes every year in the month of Ramadan, a spiritual retreat. At forty, during the withdrawal in the blessed month, Maimetto received from the angel Gabriel, the Quran, the descent of Revelation.

is celebrated on 18 S. Joseph of Cupertino. From 1630 began to experience the miraculous cases of levitation and other phenomena that attracted the attention of the Inquisition, was condemned to isolation.
for its ability to get up in the air is considered the patron saint of aviators and astronauts, but also students and those facing an exam. The 19 is

S. Gennaro was born in Naples in the late third century. He became bishop of Benevento, and was surprised by his work of preaching the gospel, for the benefit of the persecuted Christians.
Gennaro fu prima condannato ad essere bruciato in una fornace, da cui uscì illeso. Gli vennero recisi i tendini e fu ributtato in carcere. Gennaro e i suoi compagni vennero condannati ad essere mangiati dalle belve, ma queste non li toccarono. Furono allora condannati al taglio della testa: la leggenda narra che alcuni fedeli raccolsero il sangue e la testa del santo, conservandoli. Nella cattedrale di Napoli, dove le reliquie sono conservate. ogni anno si rinnova il miracolo della liquefazione del sangue di San Gennaro.
Viene invocato a protezione dalle eruzioni del Vesuvio.
Per gli Ebrei è Rosh haShana, il capodanno, che i rabbini chiamano il “Giorno del giudizio” oppure il “Giorno del ricordo”.
Per gli Indù è Navaratri, the beginning of the night novena in honor of the Goddess Durga, which purifies the ten sins.

September 20 is the end of Ramadan.

September 21 we celebrate the International Day of Peace, established by the UN
E 'is also World Alzheimer's Day, sponsored by the World Health Organization.
September 21, 2008 the municipality of Rome pays tribute during the commemoration of the Breccia 139esima

Porta Pia on 21 points ri S. Matthew, one of the 12 apostles and one of the four Evangelists. His name was Levi the tax collector and was, assigned to duty on behalf of King Herod. This craft was hated by the Jews. Jesus in the criticism of all, he accepted an invitation. Then Jesus himself invited him to follow him and ordered him to be leaving their jobs and even new names (Matithyah in Hebrew means "gift of God").
Legend has it that Matthew, who went to the court of the king of Ethiopia, bringing to life the king's daughter, apparently dead, so the king and all his people were converted, but his successor, and rejected by the girl you love was devoted to chastity, and he did harass Matt had him killed by soldiers. And 'the patron saint of banks, stockbrokers, accountants, customs officials, financiers, accountants.
For the Orthodox, this is the day of birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Kingdom Hearts Tipps Portroyal

The man has always linked to the world of forms. He is not in a position to know if making the unmanifest manifest through images.

is why the gods in India become symbols of the energies of the Universe. These energies are approached through a creative process that is through rupa , their shape, and nama, the name. And so the gods are represented now in the form of images, gestures (mudras), characteristics, attributes, geometric abstractions (yantra) now through the sounds (mantras).

Regarding la raffigurazione degli dei attraverso immagini (murti) troveremo differenti forme della divinità a seconda dell’aspetto della manifestazione che si vuol rappresentare. Per esempio, l’aspetto divino femminile (Devi) prenderà la forma di Durga andando a rappresentare un femminile guerriero oppure di Parvati per riferirsi ad una concezione maggiormente accogliente dello stesso.

Nell’osservazione della rappresentazione di una divinità troveremo sempre delle caratteristiche peculiari:

-       i gesti (mudra) che indicano le qualità della divinità

-       gli attributi: le immagini che presentano un numero maggiore di attributi si riferiscono, di norma, alle divinità principali.

-       cavalcatura: ogni divinità ha un suo veicolo anch’esso dotato di caratteristiche specifiche.

Sappiamo che nello Yoga molte pratiche sono proprio relate alle divinità e ai loro veicoli come se il praticante che “percepisce nel proprio cuore colui che dà la pace” (Jabala-darshana Upanishad 4,59) avesse bisogno di conoscere, di interpretare to transcend the first form.

In our journey through the Indian gods we observe in detail their characteristics and present them to always practice related.

For convenience and historical organization we have, finally, the gods divided into two main branches: the Vedic period and the medieval Relate to the Trimurti.

"The one, with no shades of color, occurs

through a secret plan, multicolored

effect of its multifaceted power.

That Be shining worlds in which they dissolve

And when one day be reborn

grant us the grace of intelligence "

Shvetashvatara Upanishads

Kingdom Hearts Tipps Portroyal

The man has always linked to the world of forms. He is not in a position to know if making the unmanifest manifest through images.

is why the gods in India become symbols of the energies of the Universe. These energies are approached through a creative process that is through rupa , their shape, and nama, the name. And so the gods are represented now in the form of images, gestures (mudras), characteristics, attributes, geometric abstractions (yantra) now through the sounds (mantras).

Regarding la raffigurazione degli dei attraverso immagini (murti) troveremo differenti forme della divinità a seconda dell’aspetto della manifestazione che si vuol rappresentare. Per esempio, l’aspetto divino femminile (Devi) prenderà la forma di Durga andando a rappresentare un femminile guerriero oppure di Parvati per riferirsi ad una concezione maggiormente accogliente dello stesso.

Nell’osservazione della rappresentazione di una divinità troveremo sempre delle caratteristiche peculiari:

-       i gesti (mudra) che indicano le qualità della divinità

-       gli attributi: le immagini che presentano un numero maggiore di attributi si riferiscono, di norma, alle divinità principali.

-       cavalcatura: ogni divinità ha un suo veicolo anch’esso dotato di caratteristiche specifiche.

Sappiamo che nello Yoga molte pratiche sono proprio relate alle divinità e ai loro veicoli come se il praticante che “percepisce nel proprio cuore colui che dà la pace” (Jabala-darshana Upanishad 4,59) avesse bisogno di conoscere, di interpretare to transcend the first form.

In our journey through the Indian gods we observe in detail their characteristics and present them to always practice related.

For convenience and historical organization we have, finally, the gods divided into two main branches: the Vedic period and the medieval Relate to the Trimurti.

"The one, with no shades of color, occurs

through a secret plan, multicolored

effect of its multifaceted power.

That Be shining worlds in which they dissolve

And when one day be reborn

grant us the grace of intelligence "

Shvetashvatara Upanishads

Friday, September 4, 2009

Fish Tank Ornaments Large

"The most important meetings have already been combined by Anime even before they see the bodies.
Usually they come when we reach a limit, when we need to die and be reborn emotionally."
Paulo Coelho

this is a book that I was caught unprepared, a book full of questions, of boldness, honesty, beauty, passion .
of that passion that comes when everything becomes uncontrollable. Destroys all your smaller certainty, that precarious balance sought so hard. It scares
Most people try desperately to avoid it. After all, who is willing to mess up all or part of their lives?
Better stand still and let her life pass us by and we exceed it. Better check this threat that would shake the lies that so carefully we tell ourselves every day to go forward.
Other people, however, think the opposite and give themselves up. Some in the hope of finding passion in one's own happiness. Others to find it within themselves because through her you look inside, there is observed, it reaches its limit and fall to the most subtle and hidden emotions.


This book puts you in front of all that you ask yourself at the bottom to always escape the passion or live in its fullness in a total abandonment?

Fish Tank Ornaments Large

"The most important meetings have already been combined by Anime even before they see the bodies.
Usually they come when we reach a limit, when we need to die and be reborn emotionally."
Paulo Coelho

this is a book that I was caught unprepared, a book full of questions, of boldness, honesty, beauty, passion .
of that passion that comes when everything becomes uncontrollable. Destroys all your smaller certainty, that precarious balance sought so hard. It scares
Most people try desperately to avoid it. After all, who is willing to mess up all or part of their lives?
Better stand still and let her life pass us by and we exceed it. Better check this threat that would shake the lies that so carefully we tell ourselves every day to go forward.
Other people, however, think the opposite and give themselves up. Some in the hope of finding passion in one's own happiness. Others to find it within themselves because through her you look inside, there is observed, it reaches its limit and fall to the most subtle and hidden emotions.


This book puts you in front of all that you ask yourself at the bottom to always escape the passion or live in its fullness in a total abandonment?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Expired License Military Connect


One night, the pious and devout Rabbi Eisik had a dream, the dream instructed him to go away to the capital of Bohemia, Prague, where he discovered a hidden treasure, buried under the large bridge that leads the castle of the king of Bohemia. The rabbi, surprised, he neglected to go. But the dream was repeated twice more. On the third call, he prepared and left to search. He arrived, Rabbi Eisik found the bridge guarded day and night by sentries, so that he did not dare dig. He just come back every morning and stay around until sunset, watching the bridge, watching the guards and studying the stone and soil. In the long run, however, the captain of the guards struck by the insistence of the old, approached and asked politely if he had missed something or whether to wait for someone. The rabbi told Eisik with ease and confidence, the dream he had and The officer laughed. "Have you got the shoes worn simply because of a dream? What reasonable person would believe in a dream?" Look, if I were a person who believes in dreams, I would now just the opposite of what you do. I would have taken a pilgrimage as stupid as yours, but in the opposite direction, and, no doubt, with the same result. Let me tell you my dream. " He was an officer friendly, despite its grim appearance, and the rabbi felt sympathy for him. "I heard a voice in a dream," said the officer of the guard Christian in Bohemia, "she told me about Krakow, ordered me to go over there and finding a great treasure house of un rabbino il cui nome era Eisik, figlio di Jekel. Il tesoro doveva trovarsi in un angolo polveroso, dietro alla stufa. Eisik, figlio di Jekel!", e il capitano rideva nuovamente, con gli occhi che brillavano. "Ma te l’immagini, andare a Cracovia, abbattere i muri di ogni casa del ghetto dove metà della gente si chiama Eisik e l'altra metà Jekel! Eisik, figlio di Jekel; buona questa!" E rideva sempre più di quella buffa storia. Il rabbino ascoltava attentamente, poi, inchinandosi profondamente e ringraziando l'amico straniero, s'affrettò a ritornare direttamente verso casa; scavò nell'angolo abbandonato dietro la stufa e scoprì il tesoro che mise fine alla sua miseria. Con una parte del denaro fece innalzare a small altar that still bears his name.

The great Indology Heinrich Zimmer explained his love for the Indian myths of origin Hasidic through this story, reminding us that "... the real treasure, one that puts an end to our misery and our evidence is never far away . It lies buried in the deepest recesses of our house, that of our being. E 'behind the hearth, the center that radiates warmth and life, our hearts ... "

But, strangely, many of us need to take a trip to a faraway land, in a foreign country for this item interior may be in their its full meaning.

"... .. And, at this strange fact and law, he adds another, namely that he who reveals the inner meaning of our message must be he a stranger, of another creed and of another race. The Bohemian captain on the bridge, does not believe in dreams or inner voices, and yet power of attorney to the traveler came from afar, the very thing that ends his trials and reward his search. And that pretty much does not even intentionally, on the contrary, its fundamental message communicate it without being aware of .... "

Similarly, the myths and symbols Hindus, like other symbols of wisdom come from afar, we speak of our greatest treasure. Our task will be to unearth the forgotten corners of our being and bring a renewed radiance. Then it will mark "... the end of our sufferings and will allow us to build for the good of everyone around us is a living temple to the Spirit ..."

TAKEN FROM "THE MYTHS AND SYMBOLS ' India "by Heinrich Zimmer

Expired License Military Connect


One night, the pious and devout Rabbi Eisik had a dream, the dream instructed him to go away to the capital of Bohemia, Prague, where he discovered a hidden treasure, buried under the large bridge that leads the castle of the king of Bohemia. The rabbi, surprised, he neglected to go. But the dream was repeated twice more. On the third call, he prepared and left to search. He arrived, Rabbi Eisik found the bridge guarded day and night by sentries, so that he did not dare dig. He just come back every morning and stay around until sunset, watching the bridge, watching the guards and studying the stone and soil. In the long run, however, the captain of the guards struck by the insistence of the old, approached and asked politely if he had missed something or whether to wait for someone. The rabbi told Eisik with ease and confidence, the dream he had and The officer laughed. "Have you got the shoes worn simply because of a dream? What reasonable person would believe in a dream?" Look, if I were a person who believes in dreams, I would now just the opposite of what you do. I would have taken a pilgrimage as stupid as yours, but in the opposite direction, and, no doubt, with the same result. Let me tell you my dream. " He was an officer friendly, despite its grim appearance, and the rabbi felt sympathy for him. "I heard a voice in a dream," said the officer of the guard Christian in Bohemia, "she told me about Krakow, ordered me to go over there and finding a great treasure house of un rabbino il cui nome era Eisik, figlio di Jekel. Il tesoro doveva trovarsi in un angolo polveroso, dietro alla stufa. Eisik, figlio di Jekel!", e il capitano rideva nuovamente, con gli occhi che brillavano. "Ma te l’immagini, andare a Cracovia, abbattere i muri di ogni casa del ghetto dove metà della gente si chiama Eisik e l'altra metà Jekel! Eisik, figlio di Jekel; buona questa!" E rideva sempre più di quella buffa storia. Il rabbino ascoltava attentamente, poi, inchinandosi profondamente e ringraziando l'amico straniero, s'affrettò a ritornare direttamente verso casa; scavò nell'angolo abbandonato dietro la stufa e scoprì il tesoro che mise fine alla sua miseria. Con una parte del denaro fece innalzare a small altar that still bears his name.

The great Indology Heinrich Zimmer explained his love for the Indian myths of origin Hasidic through this story, reminding us that "... the real treasure, one that puts an end to our misery and our evidence is never far away . It lies buried in the deepest recesses of our house, that of our being. E 'behind the hearth, the center that radiates warmth and life, our hearts ... "

But, strangely, many of us need to take a trip to a faraway land, in a foreign country for this item interior may be in their its full meaning.

"... .. And, at this strange fact and law, he adds another, namely that he who reveals the inner meaning of our message must be he a stranger, of another creed and of another race. The Bohemian captain on the bridge, does not believe in dreams or inner voices, and yet power of attorney to the traveler came from afar, the very thing that ends his trials and reward his search. And that pretty much does not even intentionally, on the contrary, its fundamental message communicate it without being aware of .... "

Similarly, the myths and symbols Hindus, like other symbols of wisdom come from afar, we speak of our greatest treasure. Our task will be to unearth the forgotten corners of our being and bring a renewed radiance. Then it will mark "... the end of our sufferings and will allow us to build for the good of everyone around us is a living temple to the Spirit ..."

TAKEN FROM "THE MYTHS AND SYMBOLS ' India "by Heinrich Zimmer

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The storytelling is perhaps the element that has more united people in different times and at different latitudes. The stories speak directly to our souls, affecting our emotions by narrating events that everyone, universally, we can understand if you do not reason with our hearts.

In particular, the myths tell us of the human stories of events shared by all of us (birth, death, hatred, love).

The myth has always accompanied the history of mankind, but especially in the world classical greek and Latin in the Holy Scriptures and that it plays a central role.

The word mito deriva dal greco mythos e significa parola, discorso, favola, leggenda.

Attraverso il mito vengono espresse nel mondo greco e latino determinate verità morali, sociali, e religiose.

I primi grandi nemici del mito furono i Sofisti: essi si opponevano infatti a tutto ciò che non poteva essere dimostrato razionalmente.

Il mito fu invece rivalutato da Platone infatti, secondo lui, ci sono verità che non possono essere spiegate facendo uso della sola ragione e allora giunge in nostro soccorso il mito (pensiamo al bellissimo mito di Er). Aristotele però took issue with the Platonic conception of myth, fairy tales and identified with a method of considering it to be discredited because scientific knowledge.

Even in times closer to our Descartes considered as synonymous with the myth of pure fantasy and, therefore, far from being a cognitive method.

Schelling, however, revalued the myth. According to this purely logical thinking is not enough to fully understand the evolution. The mythical narrative, however, express historical truths and universal.

with positivism, the myth goes back to the crisis to be rediscovered in the early 1900s. Among the supporters of this discovery are CG Jung. Jung has extensively studied not only Greek and Roman myths, but also the religious myths.

It reminds us that man inherits from his ancestors symbols and images in the form of myth, thinking of it as coming under investigation and drawn criticism from many of his contemporaries.

From his studies on the myth and Eastern thought, Jung took the concept of collective unconscious that remains central to his thinking. According to the great Swiss psychologist, in fact, there are traces of the unconscious images called archetypes, inherited from ancestors and their common humanity. La mitologia diventa, per Jung, l’espressione di una serie di immagini che rappresentano la vita degli archetipi all’interno dell’individuo.

Vogliamo presentare, in questa sede, una serie di miti provenienti dall’oriente, in particolare dall’India nella fiducia in quella massima che ricorda che “possiamo trovare le nostre verità avventurandoci in terre straniere”.

Buona lettura!

Blueberries Cranberry Juice Colour Stools


The storytelling is perhaps the element that has more united people in different times and at different latitudes. The stories speak directly to our souls, affecting our emotions by narrating events that everyone, universally, we can understand if you do not reason with our hearts.

In particular, the myths tell us of the human stories of events shared by all of us (birth, death, hatred, love).

The myth has always accompanied the history of mankind, but especially in the world classical greek and Latin in the Holy Scriptures and that it plays a central role.

The word mito deriva dal greco mythos e significa parola, discorso, favola, leggenda.

Attraverso il mito vengono espresse nel mondo greco e latino determinate verità morali, sociali, e religiose.

I primi grandi nemici del mito furono i Sofisti: essi si opponevano infatti a tutto ciò che non poteva essere dimostrato razionalmente.

Il mito fu invece rivalutato da Platone infatti, secondo lui, ci sono verità che non possono essere spiegate facendo uso della sola ragione e allora giunge in nostro soccorso il mito (pensiamo al bellissimo mito di Er). Aristotele però took issue with the Platonic conception of myth, fairy tales and identified with a method of considering it to be discredited because scientific knowledge.

Even in times closer to our Descartes considered as synonymous with the myth of pure fantasy and, therefore, far from being a cognitive method.

Schelling, however, revalued the myth. According to this purely logical thinking is not enough to fully understand the evolution. The mythical narrative, however, express historical truths and universal.

with positivism, the myth goes back to the crisis to be rediscovered in the early 1900s. Among the supporters of this discovery are CG Jung. Jung has extensively studied not only Greek and Roman myths, but also the religious myths.

It reminds us that man inherits from his ancestors symbols and images in the form of myth, thinking of it as coming under investigation and drawn criticism from many of his contemporaries.

From his studies on the myth and Eastern thought, Jung took the concept of collective unconscious that remains central to his thinking. According to the great Swiss psychologist, in fact, there are traces of the unconscious images called archetypes, inherited from ancestors and their common humanity. La mitologia diventa, per Jung, l’espressione di una serie di immagini che rappresentano la vita degli archetipi all’interno dell’individuo.

Vogliamo presentare, in questa sede, una serie di miti provenienti dall’oriente, in particolare dall’India nella fiducia in quella massima che ricorda che “possiamo trovare le nostre verità avventurandoci in terre straniere”.

Buona lettura!

Why Do Men Masterbate In Public

September 1, 2009: Arena di Verona

"Only Dreams are real, only the emotions, irreverence and passion burning creates consequences, leave a mark ..."
G. Allevi

that music be the food for my soul I was aware for a long time ...

What I did not know and I was lucky enough to find out during this evening is that together with the soul vibrated every cell of my body until you get to my heart.

I flew, thought, felt, tasted and savored every note, but the light that music creates, perhaps unwittingly. Light that passes through you, through your body and vibrates.

Each note has vibrato, it has vibrated under la mia pelle, e con lei ogni singola pausa in cui la musica prendeva fiato, quasi a voler sospirare con me....per poi prendermi in un lungo abbraccio in cui mi abbandonavo piena di vita.

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Ho lasciato che tutto fluisse e giungesse a chi fosse in grado di sentire e comprendere le mie Emozioni...
E ho condiviso...Ho vissuto.

Why Do Men Masterbate In Public

September 1, 2009: Arena di Verona

"Only Dreams are real, only the emotions, irreverence and passion burning creates consequences, leave a mark ..."
G. Allevi

that music be the food for my soul I was aware for a long time ...

What I did not know and I was lucky enough to find out during this evening is that together with the soul vibrated every cell of my body until you get to my heart.

I flew, thought, felt, tasted and savored every note, but the light that music creates, perhaps unwittingly. Light that passes through you, through your body and vibrates.

Each note has vibrato, it has vibrated under la mia pelle, e con lei ogni singola pausa in cui la musica prendeva fiato, quasi a voler sospirare con me....per poi prendermi in un lungo abbraccio in cui mi abbandonavo piena di vita.

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Ho lasciato che tutto fluisse e giungesse a chi fosse in grado di sentire e comprendere le mie Emozioni...
E ho condiviso...Ho vissuto.