begin our journey in the clarification of the concept of karma. I hope to be as accurate, reliable and above all (what I care a lot).
We suffered a bit 'of order between two concepts that are often confused: Karma and reincarnation. For reincarnation means the path of the soul after death until the next rebirth. This mystery has been subject to many cultures (especially Eastern) of extensive speculation. These traditions have endeavored to systematize, in a more scientific as possible, a set of explanations on the path that the soul and the afterlife makes its return in this life. very different from the concept of reincarnation is to Karma because in it we encounter every moment of our lives. Karma is the 'action that leads fruit, and the law of karma states, therefore, the law of cause and effect where the effect of returns to action those who' s has accomplished. Through a brief historical reflection we can see that even in the culture of 'the West retain traces of this mode of thought usually attributed to the Indian world. A citation of the law of cause and effect is found in the Bible, when you hear the so-called "law of retaliation." Do you remember? "An eye for eye, tooth for tooth" here and that my actions always lead to an effect in a completely reciprocal (sic). The idea of \u200b\u200breciprocity of action is also found in the Gospels. The "Sermon of the Beatitudes" is a fundamental message of profound significance of human actions, "Judge not, because with the trial judge with whom you will be judged" (Matthew 7:1) or "Whatever you wish that men should do to you, do ye even so to them" (Mt.7, 1). Christ overcomes this reciprocity and the law of retaliation, saying: "If someone wants to take off your coat, you from the mantle." Here was born, a key : the freedom of choice, the individual as the subject of his actions can make choices.
Il Karma, infatti, contro i luoghi comuni, dovuti spesso ad un’errata interpretazione delle scritture orientali, non è una sorta di “retrocessione” dell’anima nel corpo, ma una “possibilità” per l’anima e, come tale, è un processo dinamico. Il grado di coscienza dell’anima porta l'uomo ad interagire con gli eventi, a trasformare il Karma. Esso non è un concetto statico o limitante, ma un aspetto dinamico, che ha un suo senso nella misura in cui offre all’anima la strada da seguire per giungere alla libertà .
With this posting I do not want to bring some historical evidence on the presence of the concept of karma in the ancient Christian tradition or to prove his truthfulness. None of that. I would just start doing a bit with 'clarity and, perhaps, an "exercise of thought."
We have seen that there is always the possibility of change, to not be crushed under the weight of its own shares, at any time to get up and start over. This should provide an important tool for not to succumb to habits become "encrusted" and dysfunctional for our welfare, not to cry about the past and our misfortunes (which are those of three quarters of humanity). Indeed, the knowledge that everything we do leads to an effect could also lead us to consider the possibility of constructive action, functional, in the here and now "based on a good pace and a good future." In the words of Gandhi: "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
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