Our Yoga holiday is approaching and, legitimately, people ask me for more information on Ayurveda and its links with Yoga. This is very interesting for me because, in a mindset industry like ours, too often we tend to separate what is deeply linked: together we will see that Yoga and Ayurveda, not only belong to the same historical and cultural tradition, but they are absolutely interdependent.
Ayurveda includes a systematic body of knowledge that emphasize the profound importance of the interdependence between man and his environment. Where no room for means only the world of nature or the social one, but any event with which humans come into contact.
The term Ayurveda comes from ayus , life and Veda , science, knowledge. So "science of life."
In his vision of health, Ayurveda, like yoga, never separates the body from the mind and does not divide the human being in many different parts. In fact, this system of thought, man and the cosmos around them become interdependent. The health of the individual is linked to a much more expansion of its sphere biologica. Per prevenire o guarire da un disturbo, secondo l’Ayurveda, non è sufficiente agire solamente a livello biologico, ma bisogna prendere in carico l’intero sistema corpo-mente-ambiente dell’individuo.
Lo scopo dell’approccio Ayurvedico è quello di portare l’individuo:
- alla comprensione della sua vera essenza.
- a capire cosa gli fa bene, procura benessere, riduce lo stress
- understand what hurts, it disturbs the mind and body, causing fatigue and depletion of energy.
When we think in terms Ayurvedic thought we implement a truly "holistic" because, not only links all parts of the person without considering them, even for a moment, disjointed, but also by connecting the individual to an even larger body of which part: the universe.