In a time when in Italy you can do nothing but talk of new elections and a new electoral law, I would use this post to try to explain the system instead of voto per eleggere i candidati alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti. Anche questo è un argomento di piena attualità, dato che la corsa alle nominations è partita il 5 gennaio e si protrarrà per i prossimi mesi. Sia per
democratici che
repubblicani , l'elezione avviene in due modi: o attraverso le
primarie o attraverso i cosiddetti "
caucus ".
Le primarie sono votazioni vere e proprie in cui si esprime sulla scheda la preferenza per il candidato.
I caucuses invece sono delle riunioni ristrette degli attivisti locali del partito che si svolgono in luoghi pubblici come scuole, stazioni dei pompieri, municipi o biblioteche.. La parola ha origini indiane e significa "riunione dei tribal leaders. "The methods of voting Republicans and Democrats are different.
Among those enrolled in the GOP (Grand Old Party of Republicans) voting is secret. In practice, after attending the meeting and listened to instructions and assistance from the other participants, each writes the name of your candidate on a slip of paper and places it in a hat or other container that is circulated. The delegates then confirm the choice of the caucus at the county level, then district and finally State.
For the Democrats, however, the vote is obvious. In each caucus will form groups of preference (including that of the undecided) in which members take sides in confined areas of the room. At that Now each group has 30 minutes to persuade the rivals to move from their side. After this time occurs if there are changes in the face, from the undecided, and finally switches to count and the largest group wins. The number of
delegates elected in the primaries and caucuses for each party is variable: the larger the number of population, the greater the number of delegates. The
convention" is the culmination towards which the entire system of caucuses and primaries: the congress of the party that chooses the candidates for president, and vice presidential debates and deliberation about the election program.
Two other keywords. The "
nomination "is the official investiture that a party gives to its candidate, while the"
ticket "is the name given to the coupling of the candidates for president and vice president. Date to be scoring on the agenda? Tuesday, February 5: The
Super Tuesday when he goes to a vote the majority of states. At that point will be appointed 52% of Democratic delegates and 41% of Republicans.