Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Weight Loss Body Wraps In Ct

As stormy sea

I see before my eyes the stormy sea, my soul today is like the raging sea ...
On the surface I see rain, wind, high waves ... so high that almost touch the sky ....
But deep down there is peace.

If I dip everything is quiet.

Anime Salve - F. De Andrè
"A thousand years the world still
that one thousand six bell'inganno
my soul and give me my time is better company

windows adorned songs of the season
saved souls on earth and in sea
were furious
days without acts of love

without wind calm
only passages and passages of time steps

endless hours as constellations and waves

ruthless as the eyes of memory and other memory
not yet enough
things vanish and then faces the future
future meetings with beautiful wicked lovers

will be fighting with wild boar hunting with dogs and will be chased
bites and worries for a thousand years
one thousand one thousand years to the world that still

bell'inganno six
my soul and what a great time my lovely company
I spied delude and fail
abort their children as the dreams

I looked in the mirror cry of snow
I saw that I laughed
are seen from the back that I was leaving
I salute the countries who are tomorrow's

peasant visions of souls in flight for the world
one thousand one thousand years to the world that still
bell'inganno six

my soul and that big this time
loneliness that fine company "

Weight Loss Body Wraps In Ct

As stormy sea

I see before my eyes the stormy sea, my soul today is like the raging sea ...
On the surface I see rain, wind, high waves ... so high that almost touch the sky ....
But deep down there is peace.

If I dip everything is quiet.

Anime Salve - F. De Andrè
"A thousand years the world still
that one thousand six bell'inganno
my soul and give me my time is better company

windows adorned songs of the season
saved souls on earth and in sea
were furious
days without acts of love

without wind calm
only passages and passages of time steps

endless hours as constellations and waves

ruthless as the eyes of memory and other memory
not yet enough
things vanish and then faces the future
future meetings with beautiful wicked lovers

will be fighting with wild boar hunting with dogs and will be chased
bites and worries for a thousand years
one thousand one thousand years to the world that still

bell'inganno six
my soul and what a great time my lovely company
I spied delude and fail
abort their children as the dreams

I looked in the mirror cry of snow
I saw that I laughed
are seen from the back that I was leaving
I salute the countries who are tomorrow's

peasant visions of souls in flight for the world
one thousand one thousand years to the world that still
bell'inganno six

my soul and that big this time
loneliness that fine company "

Monday, February 8, 2010

Mrilumbar Spine Disc Bulges Images


The Language of Silence


Indian classical music


per Violino, Sitar, Flauto basso, Flauto bansuri,

Zither, Tanpura, Drilbu, Ding-Sha

Duo Karina Stieren–Akshan

venerdì 19 febbraio, ore 21

requested contribution € 12

For information and subscriptions:

tel. 348.0864600 - 345.6973959

e-mail: yogaethe (at)

The Duo-Akshan Stieren Karina was born in completing two parallel research on energy spirituali e terapeutiche del Suono e della Musica.

Un amore condiviso per il suono puro, chiaro e benefico.

A fondamento di tutto vi è il Silenzio. Quel silenzio in cui ogni suono rivela la propria natura autentica. Il Silenzio che coincide con quel Suono (Shabda) che contiene tutti i suoni possibili.

Una ricerca timbrica e armonica delicata, naturale, nella linea delle antiche tradizioni sonore modali dell’Asia.

Da quell’Unico Suono, una musica che è un arcobaleno di suoni, creata con violino, flauti, sitar, dilruba, santur, tanpura, zither e idiofoni tibetani.

Karina Stieren: All’età di sei anni comincia a studiare il violino con Olga Sandor (Marl, Germania). In seguito all’età di undici anni la sua formazione prosegue con il Prof. Valery Gradow (Essen, Germania) e a 17 anni con la Prof. Rosa Fain con la quale si diploma in violino con il massimo dei voti alla Robert-Schumann-Hochschule di Düsseldorf. A 16 anni comincia la sua carriera concertistica come solista and chamber music ensemble. At 25 he began his studies on the therapeutic and spiritual effects of music. This research led her in 2004 in Genoa, where he leads a center of peace for seminars and energy work (holistic).

Akshan (Enzo Placanica): Studies of Indian classical music in India with Pandit Bhajan Sopore (Santur), Sufiana gharana, Pandit Harsh Wardan (bansuri flute) Senia gharana, Pandit Om Prakash Mohan (Dilruba), Kirana gharana, Pandit Pran Nath, Jagdeep Singh Bedi (Sitar) Senia gharana. Music Tibetan Studies in Dharamsala (India) and at the Sakya Monastery (Boudhnath, Nepal). Studies of the shape Honkyoku (musical tradition Zen), school Fuke, India. Studies of music therapy. Concerts in India in 1996 with Pandit Bhajan drowsiness. Research on the sound / space Monuments, Temples and Theatres antiquity. Recording contract in 1999 with the Evolution Music. Akroasis Implementation of MC (1995), Namkha (1995), CD / MC Mandala (Evolution Music 9904-2, 1999) and Ku CD (Music Evolution 99102, 2007). (Search Akshan)

Mrilumbar Spine Disc Bulges Images


The Language of Silence


Indian classical music


per Violino, Sitar, Flauto basso, Flauto bansuri,

Zither, Tanpura, Drilbu, Ding-Sha

Duo Karina Stieren–Akshan

venerdì 19 febbraio, ore 21

requested contribution € 12

For information and subscriptions:

tel. 348.0864600 - 345.6973959

e-mail: yogaethe (at)

The Duo-Akshan Stieren Karina was born in completing two parallel research on energy spirituali e terapeutiche del Suono e della Musica.

Un amore condiviso per il suono puro, chiaro e benefico.

A fondamento di tutto vi è il Silenzio. Quel silenzio in cui ogni suono rivela la propria natura autentica. Il Silenzio che coincide con quel Suono (Shabda) che contiene tutti i suoni possibili.

Una ricerca timbrica e armonica delicata, naturale, nella linea delle antiche tradizioni sonore modali dell’Asia.

Da quell’Unico Suono, una musica che è un arcobaleno di suoni, creata con violino, flauti, sitar, dilruba, santur, tanpura, zither e idiofoni tibetani.

Karina Stieren: All’età di sei anni comincia a studiare il violino con Olga Sandor (Marl, Germania). In seguito all’età di undici anni la sua formazione prosegue con il Prof. Valery Gradow (Essen, Germania) e a 17 anni con la Prof. Rosa Fain con la quale si diploma in violino con il massimo dei voti alla Robert-Schumann-Hochschule di Düsseldorf. A 16 anni comincia la sua carriera concertistica come solista and chamber music ensemble. At 25 he began his studies on the therapeutic and spiritual effects of music. This research led her in 2004 in Genoa, where he leads a center of peace for seminars and energy work (holistic).

Akshan (Enzo Placanica): Studies of Indian classical music in India with Pandit Bhajan Sopore (Santur), Sufiana gharana, Pandit Harsh Wardan (bansuri flute) Senia gharana, Pandit Om Prakash Mohan (Dilruba), Kirana gharana, Pandit Pran Nath, Jagdeep Singh Bedi (Sitar) Senia gharana. Music Tibetan Studies in Dharamsala (India) and at the Sakya Monastery (Boudhnath, Nepal). Studies of the shape Honkyoku (musical tradition Zen), school Fuke, India. Studies of music therapy. Concerts in India in 1996 with Pandit Bhajan drowsiness. Research on the sound / space Monuments, Temples and Theatres antiquity. Recording contract in 1999 with the Evolution Music. Akroasis Implementation of MC (1995), Namkha (1995), CD / MC Mandala (Evolution Music 9904-2, 1999) and Ku CD (Music Evolution 99102, 2007). (Search Akshan)