Friday, January 29, 2010

Church Welcome Visitors Sayings

Anima Mundi sign of God ... .. Return from Venice

Good morning to you my Alma Mater
Ischidat'istella de sos chelos (Wake up my star, the heavens )
Anima mundi first breath
Mother Earth mama istella
Victim of ancient
every war
Bella Mama addolorada
respond to the cry of madness

Dae cust night
( From tonight) I will dream
only peace, sunrise and sun
Anima Mundi
sign of God Mother Earth
pure star
Flood oblivion
per life
Bella Mama addolorada
respond to the cry of madness

perdones and NOS ( And forgive )
De TOTU sos errores ( All errors )
And perdones ( And forgive )
Mother Earth now shines
Raise your cries, your prayer
Bella Mama addolorada
Mother infinite
Good morning to you
Mother Earth.

Church Welcome Visitors Sayings

Anima Mundi sign of God ... .. Return from Venice

Good morning to you my Alma Mater
Ischidat'istella de sos chelos (Wake up my star, the heavens )
Anima mundi first breath
Mother Earth mama istella
Victim of ancient
every war
Bella Mama addolorada
respond to the cry of madness

Dae cust night
( From tonight) I will dream
only peace, sunrise and sun
Anima Mundi
sign of God Mother Earth
pure star
Flood oblivion
per life
Bella Mama addolorada
respond to the cry of madness

perdones and NOS ( And forgive )
De TOTU sos errores ( All errors )
And perdones ( And forgive )
Mother Earth now shines
Raise your cries, your prayer
Bella Mama addolorada
Mother infinite
Good morning to you
Mother Earth.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Buying Corn By The Bushel

"I see the sun, the moon and you. If you want to watch the Sun does not claim that the Moon moves but you have to move you. How can matter if ... up, down, left or right ..... the important thing is that you move.
's up to you. Very little is needed and you can see the Sun "

Buying Corn By The Bushel

"I see the sun, the moon and you. If you want to watch the Sun does not claim that the Moon moves but you have to move you. How can matter if ... up, down, left or right ..... the important thing is that you move.
's up to you. Very little is needed and you can see the Sun "

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Money Lenders Dublin Ireland

yoga in schools and educational institutions: teaching aspects, Teaching methods and organizational

"LO Yoga in schools and educational institutions
educational, pedagogical and organizational "
10 to 11 April and 8-9 May 2010


This course theoretical and experiential comes from years of experience in the proposal of yoga to the world of childhood and, in particular, in schools and educational contexts of various kinds (educational institutions, regional centers, etc). The teachers
are all professionals who, for various reasons, move from years in school and social , as teachers, experts in developmental psychology and organized the workshops and spaces for children.
The course is aimed primarily at all those teachers of Yoga who wish to deepen their knowledge delle basi metodologico – didattiche dell’insegnamento dello Yoga per bambini con particolare riferimento alla progettazione e all’inserimento delle stesse in ambito scolastico ed educativo .

In particolare, il presente corso si riferisce al lavoro con bambini dai 4 agli 11 anni e quindi a proposte operative da attuare in scuole dell’infanzia e primarie .

Obiettivi del corso saranno:
- Imparare a strutturare pratiche Yoga con bambini in riferimento ai programmi e agli orientamenti didattici attualmente in vigore .
- Conoscere le principali dinamiche dei gruppi classe e della vita scolastica per can structure effective ways.
- Learn to use all elements teaching - teaching relative to childhood and discipline of Yoga in the structuring of courses offered (with use of stories and material support, the creative movement).
- Gain insight of developmental psychology with particular reference to the child's psychomotor development.
- Learn to develop and submit projects that follow the criteria required by the educational institutions and schools in reference to economic organization and tax matters.

There are four working days from 10 am to 18 (with a lunch break of one hour), each of which includes theoretical interventions, spaces reserved for the elaboration and the application process, moments of practice. Date of Meeting: 10 and 11 April 2010, 8 and 9 May 2010 .

  • Participation fee: 300 € for all four meetings. The fee includes handouts on the topics covered.
    Registration will be through the payment of € 150 on c / c postale 14806194 payable to ASSOCIATION NEW CIEP, Via Allende 48, 16138 Genova.
  • Living: The Association has a practice room where hosts free if you like. In rooms there are no showers. We are close to Stazione Brignole, filled with unique Bed and Breakfast and lodging possibilities.
  • Meals: meals are borne by the participants. Sunday lunch is offered by the Association.
  • The number of participants is limited to 10 .
  • At the end of the course will receive a 'certificate of attendance .

To receive the complete program and all information and reservations, please contact
: Yoga & the Tel 348/0864600 e-mail: yogaethe (at)

Gli incontri saranno condotti da:
- Simona Mocci, insegnante di scuola primaria ed educatrice; insegnante di Yoga diplomata presso l’Istituto Yoga di Carlo Patrian e la S.I.Y.R. di Piacenza. Collabora da anni con l’Associazione “Nuovo Ciep” progettando e conducendo corsi e laboratori di Yoga per bambini e adolescenti sul territorio genovese. Ha collaborato con il Comune di Arenzano conducendo corsi di formazione per gli educatori sull’inserimento delle tecniche Yoga e di massaggio negli asili nido. È docente all’interno del Corso per Operatore Pedagogico Teatrale in collaborazione con il “Teatro dell’Ortica” e la Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università of Genoa. Yoga leads to permanent projects in primary schools. Together with Elizabeth Rossi founded the Namaste Yoga and for the dissemination of "body art". He founded the Association Yoga & tea.

- Dr. Elizabeth Rossi graduated from the faculty of "Humanities" in Genoa. Administrative Vice-President and Head of the Theatre of the Garden. Actress and director for theater productions for children. Predanza and teaches
Preparation for classical dance for children. Since 1993, leading drama workshops, expressive and creative movement at several schools in Genoa. Mocci with Simon founded the group and leads seminars Namaste Yoga and Creative Movement with children aged 4 to 11 years.
- There will be a consultant psychologist.

Money Lenders Dublin Ireland

yoga in schools and educational institutions: teaching aspects, Teaching methods and organizational

"LO Yoga in schools and educational institutions
educational, pedagogical and organizational "
10 to 11 April and 8-9 May 2010


This course theoretical and experiential comes from years of experience in the proposal of yoga to the world of childhood and, in particular, in schools and educational contexts of various kinds (educational institutions, regional centers, etc). The teachers
are all professionals who, for various reasons, move from years in school and social , as teachers, experts in developmental psychology and organized the workshops and spaces for children.
The course is aimed primarily at all those teachers of Yoga who wish to deepen their knowledge delle basi metodologico – didattiche dell’insegnamento dello Yoga per bambini con particolare riferimento alla progettazione e all’inserimento delle stesse in ambito scolastico ed educativo .

In particolare, il presente corso si riferisce al lavoro con bambini dai 4 agli 11 anni e quindi a proposte operative da attuare in scuole dell’infanzia e primarie .

Obiettivi del corso saranno:
- Imparare a strutturare pratiche Yoga con bambini in riferimento ai programmi e agli orientamenti didattici attualmente in vigore .
- Conoscere le principali dinamiche dei gruppi classe e della vita scolastica per can structure effective ways.
- Learn to use all elements teaching - teaching relative to childhood and discipline of Yoga in the structuring of courses offered (with use of stories and material support, the creative movement).
- Gain insight of developmental psychology with particular reference to the child's psychomotor development.
- Learn to develop and submit projects that follow the criteria required by the educational institutions and schools in reference to economic organization and tax matters.

There are four working days from 10 am to 18 (with a lunch break of one hour), each of which includes theoretical interventions, spaces reserved for the elaboration and the application process, moments of practice. Date of Meeting: 10 and 11 April 2010, 8 and 9 May 2010 .

  • Participation fee: 300 € for all four meetings. The fee includes handouts on the topics covered.
    Registration will be through the payment of € 150 on c / c postale 14806194 payable to ASSOCIATION NEW CIEP, Via Allende 48, 16138 Genova.
  • Living: The Association has a practice room where hosts free if you like. In rooms there are no showers. We are close to Stazione Brignole, filled with unique Bed and Breakfast and lodging possibilities.
  • Meals: meals are borne by the participants. Sunday lunch is offered by the Association.
  • The number of participants is limited to 10 .
  • At the end of the course will receive a 'certificate of attendance .

To receive the complete program and all information and reservations, please contact
: Yoga & the Tel 348/0864600 e-mail: yogaethe (at)

Gli incontri saranno condotti da:
- Simona Mocci, insegnante di scuola primaria ed educatrice; insegnante di Yoga diplomata presso l’Istituto Yoga di Carlo Patrian e la S.I.Y.R. di Piacenza. Collabora da anni con l’Associazione “Nuovo Ciep” progettando e conducendo corsi e laboratori di Yoga per bambini e adolescenti sul territorio genovese. Ha collaborato con il Comune di Arenzano conducendo corsi di formazione per gli educatori sull’inserimento delle tecniche Yoga e di massaggio negli asili nido. È docente all’interno del Corso per Operatore Pedagogico Teatrale in collaborazione con il “Teatro dell’Ortica” e la Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università of Genoa. Yoga leads to permanent projects in primary schools. Together with Elizabeth Rossi founded the Namaste Yoga and for the dissemination of "body art". He founded the Association Yoga & tea.

- Dr. Elizabeth Rossi graduated from the faculty of "Humanities" in Genoa. Administrative Vice-President and Head of the Theatre of the Garden. Actress and director for theater productions for children. Predanza and teaches
Preparation for classical dance for children. Since 1993, leading drama workshops, expressive and creative movement at several schools in Genoa. Mocci with Simon founded the group and leads seminars Namaste Yoga and Creative Movement with children aged 4 to 11 years.
- There will be a consultant psychologist.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hp Laserjet M1120 Mfp Color

January 15, 2010: Haiku, poetry as an instrument of zen meditation

The New Year begins with an interesting initiative yogaethe Japanese-inspired: Haiku, poetry as an instrument of zen meditation.
The January 15, 2010 from 20:45 to 22:30.
A meeting to approach the aesthetics of haiku and to use them as tools during the meditation practice.
The internship will consist of a theoretical part, with the introductory lecture of prof. Fabia Binci, followed by a study of the philosophical and aesthetic significance Zen poetry.
will close with a creative writing workshop in which each participant will compose their own haiku for a short session of meditation final.
include a section of the stage and the other participants will be offered tea and light refreshments, accompanied by theme music in the evening.
The meeting will last approximately 2 hours.
It requires a fee of € 12 per participant.
For information: Tel 348/0864600 and 345/6973959 or via

Hp Laserjet M1120 Mfp Color

January 15, 2010: Haiku, poetry as an instrument of zen meditation

The New Year begins with an interesting initiative yogaethe Japanese-inspired: Haiku, poetry as an instrument of zen meditation.
The January 15, 2010 from 20:45 to 22:30.
A meeting to approach the aesthetics of haiku and to use them as tools during the meditation practice.
The internship will consist of a theoretical part, with the introductory lecture of prof. Fabia Binci, followed by a study of the philosophical and aesthetic significance Zen poetry.
will close with a creative writing workshop in which each participant will compose their own haiku for a short session of meditation final.
include a section of the stage and the other participants will be offered tea and light refreshments, accompanied by theme music in the evening.
The meeting will last approximately 2 hours.
It requires a fee of € 12 per participant.
For information: Tel 348/0864600 and 345/6973959 or via