The tithe
The tithe is an English word that indicates what could be translated into Italian as" tenth. " It 'a tenth of a certain sum of money that is paid voluntarily to support Christian and Jewish religious organizations. In Italy one can donate to the Church of 8 per thousand with their annual tax return. Or if one goes to Mass on Sunday may leave the trash qulche € almsgiving. Here in America, the tithe is organized in a way that confession a confessione. In generale comunque il credente che va in chiesa ogni settimana può scegliere di fare un'offerta o altrimenti la tithe. La thite consiste nel dare il
10% dei propri guadagni settimanali. Si avete letto bene non ho per sbaglio aggiunto uno zero in più: si tratta proprio del 10%. La tithe non è obbligatoria, ma caldamente raccomandata e supportata da pastori e sacerdoti con vari passi della Bibbia, come questo che si trova in
Matteo 23:23 :
"Away with you, you pettifogging Pharisee lawyers! You give to God a tenth of herbs, like mint, dill, and cumin, but the important duties of the Law -- judgement, mercy, honesty -- you have neglected. Yet these you ought to have performed, without neglecting the others. " Most of the families that are part of the community then donate 10% of their salaries, why not do it can seem almost a sin, not a look at the word of God Well,
charity is one of the three theological virtues, but as
in Italy seems to have more connection with a man's love for God and neighbor, here in America (but wonder?) It seems to me charity is more related to offers of money $ $ $ . Again it shows how the Bible can be interpreted in different ways ... If you want to learn more Thite on Wikipedia in different countries gives good advice.