Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ron Pope Piano Sheet Music Fireflies

The Genographic Project

Non c'è che dire. Il DNA sta assumendo sempre più importanza nella nostra vita. Per esempio negli States (ma non tarderanno a far sentire la loro presenza in Europa) cominciano a spopolare i tests genetici fai da te. Semplicemente ti spediscono a casa un kit con il tampone orale da rispedire al mittente. From the cells of the oral mucosa is derived as your DNA and the laboratory shall analyze a specific gene related to a particular disease or to use for paternity testing. The cost of the kits are around $ 100-200, all in all quite affordable prices. I'm sure that in future we will be invaded.
I find interesting about the initiative of National Geographic "The Genographic Project" to use these kits to study the migration of population in history. DNA studies suggest that all humans today are descended from a group of common ancestors that lived in Africa 60,000 years ago. From there, the man began his journey through the world. Here's the idea: with particular genetic markers (specific mutations) can virtually trace the migration of their ancestors. You may decide to trace the paternal line (for males) using the Y chromosome (inherited from father to son) or maternal (for men and women) using mitochondrial DNA (which is inherited only from the mother). So you may have drawn a map of the line that your ancestors migration path to get to this day. The cost is $ 100 and is guaranteed complete privacy.
You can find more information about it, I refer you to the site:
https: / / /

Ron Pope Piano Sheet Music Fireflies

The Genographic Project

Non c'è che dire. Il DNA sta assumendo sempre più importanza nella nostra vita. Per esempio negli States (ma non tarderanno a far sentire la loro presenza in Europa) cominciano a spopolare i tests genetici fai da te. Semplicemente ti spediscono a casa un kit con il tampone orale da rispedire al mittente. From the cells of the oral mucosa is derived as your DNA and the laboratory shall analyze a specific gene related to a particular disease or to use for paternity testing. The cost of the kits are around $ 100-200, all in all quite affordable prices. I'm sure that in future we will be invaded.
I find interesting about the initiative of National Geographic "The Genographic Project" to use these kits to study the migration of population in history. DNA studies suggest that all humans today are descended from a group of common ancestors that lived in Africa 60,000 years ago. From there, the man began his journey through the world. Here's the idea: with particular genetic markers (specific mutations) can virtually trace the migration of their ancestors. You may decide to trace the paternal line (for males) using the Y chromosome (inherited from father to son) or maternal (for men and women) using mitochondrial DNA (which is inherited only from the mother). So you may have drawn a map of the line that your ancestors migration path to get to this day. The cost is $ 100 and is guaranteed complete privacy.
You can find more information about it, I refer you to the site:
https: / / /